Squmish附近的99号公路因多车辆碰撞而关闭;预计关闭数小时。 Highway 99 near Squamish closed due to a multi-vehicle collision; expected to remain closed for hours.
不列颠哥伦比亚省Squmish附近的99号封闭公路(又称Sea to Sky高速公路)星期日下午发生多车辆碰撞。 A multi-vehicle collision on Sunday afternoon closed Highway 99, also known as the Sea to Sky Highway, near Squamish, British Columbia. 该事故涉及三辆汽车,于下午3时30分左右在Murrin省公园附近发生。 The accident, involving three vehicles, happened around 3:30 p.m. near Murrin Provincial Park. 随着调查人员在现场工作,99号高速公路预计将关闭数小时。 Highway 99 is expected to remain closed for several hours as investigators work at the scene. 当局正向司机提供咨询,以避开该地区,并检查最新情况。 Authorities are advising drivers to avoid the area and check for updates.