司机在圣约翰斯县附近的A1A路道施工时,在夜间绕道路行驶;关闭时间持续到2月17日。 Drivers face overnight detours on A1A near St. Johns County for roadwork; closures last till Feb. 17.
由于与Mickler Road和Ponte Vedra大道交汇处部分路段被关闭,圣约翰斯县的司机应预期星期一开始在A1A上隔夜绕道。 Drivers in St. Johns County should expect overnight detours on A1A starting Monday due to partial lane closures at the intersection with Mickler Road and Ponte Vedra Boulevard. 关闭时间从下午9时至上午6时,由县承包商进行最后分级和铺设,预计持续至2月17日。 The closures, from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., are for final grading and paving by a county contractor and are expected to last until February 17th. 圣约翰斯县副手将提供协助,但建议采用替代路线。 St. Johns County deputies will assist, but using an alternative route is recommended.