Ormond Beach附近的I-95号公路撞车,由于半卡车、雾中小撞车而关闭高速公路。 Crash on I-95 near Ormond Beach shuts down highway due to semitrucks, pickup collision in fog.
约周二3时11分,伏卢西亚州Ormond Beach附近I-95向北行驶的半卡车和一辆小卡车坠毁,导致所有车道关闭。 A crash involving semitrucks and a pickup truck on northbound I-95 near Ormond Beach, Volusia County, at about 3:11 am Tuesday caused the closure of all lanes. 这一事件是在浓雾中发生的,使可见度降低到四分之一英里。 The incident occurred in dense fog, reducing visibility to a quarter mile. 交通堵塞了里程 司机正被转移到美国1号 Traffic is backed up for miles, and drivers are being diverted to US-1. 佛罗里达高速公路巡逻队建议谨慎行事,因为能见度不高。 The Florida Highway Patrol advises caution due to poor visibility. 《目击证人新闻》(TV27)有现场最新消息。 Live updates are available on Eyewitness News This Morning on TV27.