德里法院寻求对克什米尔领导人提出的恢复监狱通信权的请求作出答复。 Delhi court seeks responses on Kashmiri leader's request to restore jail communication rights.
德里高等法院要求监狱当局和国家调查局对被监禁的克什米尔分裂主义领导人Nayeem Ahmad Khan要求恢复通信设施,包括电话和视频电话作出答复。 The Delhi High Court has asked for responses from jail authorities and the National Investigation Agency regarding a request by jailed Kashmiri separatist leader Nayeem Ahmad Khan to restore his communication facilities, including phone and video calls. Khan辩称,这些设施于2023年11月毫无理由地被撤走,侵犯了他的权利。 Khan argues the facilities were withdrawn without cause in November 2023, violating his rights. 法院将于3月18日听取进一步辩论。 The court will hear further arguments on March 18.