巴基斯坦媒体监管者否认禁止Imran Khan的姓名, Pakistani media regulator denies ban on Imran Khan's name, courts make rulings on his case.
PEMRA否认巴基斯坦电视台禁止播放Imran Khan的名字, PEMRA denied any ban on broadcasting Imran Khan's name on Pakistani TV, refuting claims by a PTI member. 拉合尔高等法院无限期地推迟了此案的审理。 The Lahore High Court postponed the case indefinitely. 与此同时,伊斯兰堡高等法院驳回了要求改善Khan监狱设施的请求,因为当局保证他们根据规则提供所有必需的便利设施。 Meanwhile, the Islamabad High Court dismissed a petition for better jail facilities for Khan, after authorities assured they were providing all necessary amenities as per rules. 法院下令允许Khan与其儿子联系。 The court ordered that Khan should be allowed to communicate with his sons.