达卡市立学院和爱德雅学院学生之间的冲突扰乱了达卡地区超过一个小时。 Clashes between students from City College and Ideal College in Dhaka disrupt area for over an hour.
来自达卡市立学院和理想学院的学生星期日在科学实验室地区发生冲突,从下午4时30分开始。 Students from City College and Ideal College in Dhaka clashed in the Science Lab area Sunday starting around 4:30 pm. 这场战斗涉及投掷物件,持续了一个多小时,造成交通中断。 The fight involved throwing objects and lasted over an hour, causing traffic disruptions. 警方被部署来管理局势, 官员注意到各团体之间持续紧张, Police deployed to manage the situation, with officials noting ongoing tension between the groups and suggesting "ego" as a factor. 当局正在努力恢复秩序和鼓励一项永久决议。 Authorities are working to restore order and encourage a permanent resolution.