中国提倡竹作为塑料的绿色替代物,旨在削减碳和减少污染。 China promotes bamboo as a green alternative to plastic, aiming to cut carbon and reduce pollution.
中国作为竹制品的主要生产国和出口国,正在推广竹作为取代塑料的生态友好型替代物,以帮助实现减少碳排放的目标。 China, a major producer and exporter of bamboo products, is promoting bamboo as an eco-friendly alternative to plastic to help meet its carbon reduction goals. 中国拥有广阔的竹林和一项促进竹子工业利用的三年计划,旨在减少塑料污染。 With vast bamboo forests and a three-year plan to boost bamboo's industrial use, China aims to reduce plastic pollution. 该国的倡议与国际竹子和拉坦组织一道,还寻求通过在各种产品中广泛使用竹子来促进可持续发展,特别是在全球南部。 The country's initiative, joined by the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, also seeks to foster sustainable development, especially in the Global South, through the widespread use of bamboo in various products.