加州的清洁能源可以满足一天中部分时间的需求,但高成本使客户感到压力。 California's clean energy meets demand for part of the day, but high costs strain customers.
加利福尼亚州声称,清洁能源在 48 天中有 40 天满足了电网需求,但这只在一天中的部分时间保持不变。 California claims clean energy met grid demand for 40 out of 48 days, but this only holds for part of the day. 该州仍然依赖天然气、水电、核能和进口电力进行全面覆盖。 The state still relies on natural gas, hydro, nuclear, and imported power for full coverage. 强制公用事业公司购买可再生能源的强制要求,再加上补贴,导致了像 Ivanpah 太阳能发电厂这样的项目,尽管有 16 亿美元的联邦支持,但该项目仍然举步维艰。 Mandates forcing utilities to buy renewable energy, combined with subsidies, have led to projects like the Ivanpah Solar plant, which struggled despite $1.6 billion in federal support. 十年来,电费上涨了 83% 至 118%,远高于通货膨胀率,20% 的客户平均欠款 821 美元。 Electricity rates have risen 83% to 118% over ten years, far above inflation, with 20% of customers owing an average of $821 on their bills.