Barton Gold Holdings报告说,Tunkillia的金矿开采结果大有希望,正在观察更深的矿坑扩张和更高产量。 Barton Gold Holdings reports promising gold findings at Tunkillia, eyeing deeper pit expansion and higher production.
Barton Gold Holdings Limited宣布了南澳大利亚Tunkillia Gold项目的新钻探结果,显示坑底下有大量金矿矿化。 Barton Gold Holdings Limited announced new drilling results for its Tunkillia Gold Project in South Australia, showing significant gold mineralization below the pit floor. 结果包括144米以每吨2.72克计的10米,339米以每吨0.93克计的20米。 Results include 10 meters at 2.72 grams per tonne from 144 meters and 20 meters at 0.93 grams per tonne from 339 meters. 该公司正在进行优化范围界定研究,以有可能提高矿坑深度,并打算每年生产15万盎司黄金。 The company is conducting an Optimised Scoping Study to potentially increase the pit depth and aims for annual gold production of 150,000 ounces.