GFG资源公司在Aljo矿区找到高品位的金矿区,其潜力扩大到800米。 GFG Resources finds high-grade gold zones at Aljo Mine, expanding potential to 800 meters.
GFG资源公司在加拿大安大略省Aljo矿区发现了高等级金矿区,将金矿系统扩大到800米,黄金品位超过2.9米,达9.94克/吨。 GFG Resources has discovered high-grade gold zones at its Aljo Mine in Ontario, Canada, extending the mine's system to 800 meters with gold grades up to 9.94 g/t over 2.9 meters. 该公司启动了一个为期2 500米的第二阶段钻探方案,目标是在主区、脚墙区和挂墙区的深度延伸。 The company has launched a 2,500-meter Phase 2 drill program targeting depth extensions in the Main, Footwall, and Hangingwall zones. 这些发现包括跨越四个不同区域的多根血管,大大扩大了地雷的潜力。 The discoveries encompass multiple vein sets across four distinct zones, significantly expanding the mine's potential.