Wiltshire理事会在Chippenham得到3 200万英镑A350双车道扩建的绿灯。 Wiltshire Council gets green light for £32 million A350 dual carriageway expansion in Chippenham.
Wiltshire理事会已获准启动在Chippenham的A350双车道项目的第四和第五阶段,目的是将单行段转换成双车道。 Wiltshire Council has been approved to start phases four and five of the A350 dual carriageway project in Chippenham, aiming to convert single-lane sections into a dual carriageway. 该项目预计耗资3 200万英镑,在2026年冬季之前完成,力求将旅行时间减少25%。 Expected to cost £32 million and be completed by winter 2026, the project seeks to reduce journey times by 25%. 由MJ教堂牵头的建筑工程将于今年春天开工,由交通部提供2 660万英镑的资金。 Construction, led by MJ Church, is set to begin this spring with £26.6 million in funding from the Department for Transport.