10月28日至11月3日:Chippenham和Bath之间的Westbound M4关闭维修,第17号关口的东行出口单路关闭环路工作。 28 Oct-3 Nov: Westbound M4 between Chippenham and Bath closed for repairs, eastbound exit slip road at junction 17 shut for roundabout work.
从10月28日至11月3日,威尔特郡Chippenham地区的M4将因道路施工而面临延误。 From October 28 to November 3, the M4 in Wiltshire's Chippenham area will face delays due to roadworks. 西行公路将完全关闭两晚,在Chippenham和Bath之间进行修理。 The westbound carriageway will be fully closed for two nights between Chippenham and Bath for repairs. 此外,位于17号关口的东行出口滑行道将关闭两晚,以便绕行工作。 Additionally, the eastbound exit slip road at junction 17 will be shut for two nights for roundabout work. 在过去一年中,这一交汇点经常发生道路施工。 This junction has seen frequent roadworks over the past year. 现有一份即将完成的工程的详细清单。 A detailed list of upcoming works is available.