两人被控在坎贝尔堡杀害一名士兵,引起安全问题。 Two individuals are charged in the fatal stabbing of a soldier at Fort Campbell, raising safety concerns.
两人被指控涉嫌在田纳西州坎贝尔堡杀害一名士兵。 Two individuals have been charged in connection with the fatal stabbing of a soldier at Fort Campbell in Tennessee. 嫌疑犯和受害者的姓名尚未公布。 The names of the suspects and the victim have not been released. 这一事件引起了对军事人员及其家属安全的关切。 This incident has raised concerns about the safety of military personnel and their families. 警察正在继续进行调查,以了解刺杀事件的背景和可能动机。 The police are continuing their investigation to understand the circumstances and possible motives behind the stabbing.