研究发现,与长期截肢相比,恢复肢体血液流动的手术可以节省费用。 Study finds surgeries to restore blood flow to limbs may save costs compared to amputations in the long run.
Limerick大学医院和Limerick大学的一项新研究表明,从长远来看,恢复肢体血液流动的手术可能比截肢更具成本效益。 A new study from University Hospital Limerick and the University of Limerick suggests that surgeries to restore blood flow to limbs may be more cost-effective over the long term than amputations. 这项研究对124名慢性四肢威胁性缺血症患者进行了分析,结果发现,虽然重新血管切除手术最初的成本更高,但被截肢者住院和假肢的费用却大大增加了总体开支。 Analyzing 124 patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia, the study found that while revascularization procedures initially cost more, hospital stays and prosthetic limbs for amputees significantly increased overall expenses. 对于被截肢者,住院中位数为29天,费用为61 313欧元,而重新剖析为5-10.5天,费用为16 823欧元至46 573欧元。 For amputees, median hospital stays were 29 days costing €61,313, compared to 5-10.5 days costing €16,823 to €46,573 for revascularization.