Surgeon Fiona Wood倡议扩大对慢性创伤的免费治疗,每年影响450 000人。 Surgeon Fiona Wood advocates for expanded free treatment of chronic wounds affecting 450,000 people annually.
Surgeon Fiona Wood呼吁扩大对慢性创伤的免费治疗, 每年影响45万人, Surgeon Fiona Wood has called for expanded free treatment for chronic wounds, impacting 450,000 people annually, to prevent a "hidden epidemic." 在国家新闻俱乐部发言时,她敦促制定一项针对40岁以上慢性病患者的全国性计划。 Speaking at the National Press Club, she urged a nationwide plan targeting individuals over 40 with chronic conditions. Wood强调,缺乏负担得起的护理导致治疗延误,每4 000多病人的费用超过4 000美元,卫生预算总额达66亿美元。 Wood highlighted that lack of affordable care leads to delayed treatment, costing patients over $4,000 each and totaling $6.6 billion for health budgets. 她的建议包括建立一个国家创伤登记册和加强教育和预防工作。 Her proposal includes a national wound registry and enhanced education and prevention efforts.