六岁的Teddy在David Attenborough的启发下收集了2 500多个塑料浴缸进行回收利用。 Six-year-old Teddy collected over 2,500 plastic tubs to recycle, inspired by David Attenborough.
在环境学家David Attenborough的启发下,来自Hampshire Netley的6岁的Teddy收集了2 500多个塑料糖果浴缸,以防止它们进入垃圾填埋场。 Six-year-old Teddy from Netley, Hampshire, collected over 2,500 plastic confectionery tubs to keep them out of landfills, inspired by environmentalist David Attenborough. 在得知这些桶不能在路边回收后,Teddy 写信给他的学校并张贴海报以寻求支持。 After learning these tubs aren't kerbside recyclable, Teddy wrote to his school and put up posters to gather support. 他超过每月500个浴缸的目标, 协助格林国王的Tub2Pub慈善团体呼吁回收。 He surpassed his goal of 500 tubs in a month, aiding the Greene King's Tub2Pub charity appeal for recycling.