新加坡工人党计划在即将举行的选举中竞选多达30个席位,争取占议会三分之一的席位。 Singapore's Workers' Party plans to contest up to 30 seats in the upcoming election, aiming for a third of Parliament.
新加坡工人党(WP)正在扩大其存在,以至少八个选区为目标,包括Tampines和Pasir Ris-Punggol GRCs,参加即将举行的大选。 The Workers' Party (WP) in Singapore is expanding its presence, targeting at least eight constituencies including Tampines and Pasir Ris-Punggol GRCs, for the upcoming general election. 这可能会使工人党争夺超过 30 个席位,高于上次选举的 21 个席位,目标是获得议会席位的三分之一。 This could see WP contesting over 30 seats, up from 21 in the last election, aiming for a third of Parliament's seats. 该党有九名新候选人, 以及李李莲、易延钟等前国会议员, The party has nine new candidates and former MPs like Lee Li Lian and Yee Jenn Jong potentially joining the campaign.