巴基斯坦领导人呼吁政府支持, 在美国对中国的关税下提升出口。 Pakistani leaders call for government support to boost exports amid US tariffs on China.
巴基斯坦工业领袖敦促政府支持当地出口商, 回应美国对中国进口品征收10%的关税。 Pakistani industry leaders are urging the government to support local exporters in response to the US imposing a 10% tariff on Chinese imports. 他们建议减税和降低能源成本,以降低生产成本,促进出口,特别是向美国的出口。 They recommend reducing taxes and lowering energy costs to decrease production costs and boost exports, especially to the US. 这一既有利于大型制造商也有利于中小企业的战略可能导致出口增加30%,为青年创造更多的外汇和就业机会。 This strategy, benefiting both large manufacturers and SMEs, could lead to a 30% increase in exports, generating more foreign exchange and jobs for the youth.