纳米比亚的创始总统萨姆·努乔马领导国家走向独立,他于95岁去世。 Namibia's founding president, Sam Nujoma, who led the country to independence, has died at 95.
Sam Nujoma, 纳米比亚创始总统, 也是南非独立抗争的关键人物, 于95年在温得和克去世。 Sam Nujoma, Namibia's founding president and a key figure in the country's fight for independence from apartheid South Africa, passed away at 95 in Windhoek. 努乔马是前游击队领袖,在1990年带领纳米比亚获得独立,直到2005年一直担任总统。 A former guerrilla leader, Nujoma led Namibia to independence in 1990 and served as president until 2005. 现总统Nangolo Mbumba宣布, 他因病住院后死亡, 该国正在哀悼一位受尊敬的革命领袖。 His death, announced by current President Nangolo Mbumba, follows a hospitalization for illness, and the country is mourning a revered revolutionary leader.