孟买法庭宣判他无罪 被判31年监禁 罪名是谋杀未遂 Mumbai court acquits man after 31 years in jail for attempted murder he didn't commit.
孟买一家法院宣告一名58岁的男子Raju Chiknya无罪,他在1991年一起谋杀未遂案中被判31年后无罪。 A Mumbai court has acquitted a 58-year-old man, Raju Chiknya, after 31 years in an attempted murder case from 1991. Chiknya被指控因一个旧争端向受害人开枪,但受害人及其妻子无法辨认其身份或使用的武器。 Chiknya was accused of firing at the victim over an old dispute, but the victim and his wife could not identify him or the weapon used. 法院裁定,检方未能证明Chiknya的卷入是无可置疑的,导致他无罪开释。 The court ruled that the prosecution failed to prove Chiknya's involvement beyond a reasonable doubt, leading to his acquittal.