孟加拉国最高法院维持了商人Giasuddin Al Mamun在长达十年的腐败案件中的无罪判决。 Bangladesh's Supreme Court upholds businessman Giasuddin Al Mamun's acquittal in a decade-long corruption case.
孟加拉国最高法院维持了在一个腐败案件中对商人Giasuddin Al Mamun无罪开释的判决。 The Supreme Court of Bangladesh has upheld the acquittal of businessman Giasuddin Al Mamun in a corruption case. Mamun被指控非法积累财富,最初被判处10年徒刑。 Mamun was accused of amassing wealth illegally, leading to a 10-year jail sentence initially. 然而,高等法院在2012年宣告他无罪,最高法院现在维持了这一裁决,结束了一场漫长的法律斗争,使Mamun在获得保释之前被监禁了17年。 However, the High Court acquitted him in 2012, and the Supreme Court has now upheld this decision, concluding a long legal battle that saw Mamun spend 17 years in prison before being granted bail.