爱荷华州立法会考虑家庭学校法案, 放宽学生人数、学费、课程等规定。 Iowa's legislature considers a homeschool bill that relaxes rules on student numbers, tuition, and curriculum.
爱荷华州立法机构正在审议《88号众议院文件》,其中建议修改家庭学校教育规则。 Iowa's legislature is considering House File 88, which proposes changes to homeschooling rules. 该法案将允许家庭学校家长收取学费,并教授4名以上不相干的学生。 The bill would allow homeschool parents to charge tuition and teach more than four unrelated students. 它还免除了在家上学的儿童出示疫苗接种记录,并禁止教授不分性别的世界语言。 It also exempts homeschooled children from showing vaccination records and bans teaching gender-neutral world languages. 该法案规定,应将家庭学校文凭视为等同于传统高中文凭,学院不得歧视家庭学校学生。 The bill states that homeschool diplomas should be considered equivalent to traditional high school diplomas, and colleges cannot discriminate against homeschooled students. 法律已经提交给爱荷华州众议院教育委员会. The bill has advanced to the Iowa House Education Committee.