爱荷华州审议放宽家庭学校规则的法案,引发关于父母权利与健康风险的辩论。 Iowa considers bill to loosen homeschool rules, sparking debate over parental rights vs. health risks.
爱荷华州立法者正在考虑众议院第 88 号文件,该法案将显着改变该州的在家上学规则。 Iowa lawmakers are considering House File 88, a bill that would significantly change the state's homeschooling rules. 该法案旨在通过取消对谁能上家庭学校的限制,增加财政灵活性,增加税收抵免额,以及将家庭学校文凭与大学入学高中文凭同等对待,增强家长的能力。 The bill aims to empower parents by removing restrictions on who can homeschool, increasing financial flexibility with a tax credit increase, and treating homeschool diplomas as equal to high school diplomas for college admissions. 但是,它也取消了对接种疫苗和铅测试的要求,引起对健康问题的关切。 However, it also removes requirements for vaccinations and lead testing, raising health concerns. 支持者认为,这加强了父母的权利,而批评者则担心对儿童的教育和健康的潜在风险。 Supporters argue it strengthens parental rights, while critics worry about potential risks to children's education and health.