印度部长强调东北地区团结的作用, Indian minister stresses Northeast's unity role, touts student exchanges and economic policies.
联邦大臣 H. D. Union Minister H.D. 库马拉斯瓦米强调东北对印度统一的重要性, 赞扬SEIL等倡议促进学生交流和打破刻板印象. Kumaraswamy emphasized the Northeast's importance to India's unity, praising initiatives like SEIL for fostering student exchange and breaking stereotypes. 他强调了孤立和基础设施差距等挑战,同时赞扬莫迪总理关于促进经济增长和连通性的《东部政策法案》。 He highlighted challenges such as isolation and infrastructure gaps, while praising Prime Minister Modi's Act East Policy for boosting economic growth and connectivity. 库马拉斯瓦米也尊敬他的父亲 前总理H. D. Kumaraswamy also honored his father, former PM H.D. 迪夫·戈达,因为他对该区域的贡献。 Deve Gowda, for his contributions to the region.