副总统 Dhankhar 强调了印度东北部日益增长的重要性、政府投资以及 Look East-Act East 政策对发展和文化认可的影响。 VP Dhankhar highlights Northeast India's growing significance, government investments, and Look East-Act East policy's impact on development and cultural recognition.
副总统 Jagdeep Dhankhar 在古瓦哈提举行的 Krishnaguru 国际精神青年协会会议上发表演讲时强调了印度东北部在国家叙事中日益增长的重要性。 Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar has emphasized the increasing significance of Northeast India in the national narrative during his speech at the Krishnaguru International Spiritual Youth Society's conclave in Guwahati. 他指出,过去十年来,政府进行了大量投资,加强了基础设施和连通性。 He noted substantial government investments over the past decade, which have enhanced infrastructure and connectivity. Dhankhhar强调了 " 看东行动 " 政策对区域发展和文化承认的影响,包括指定阿萨姆语为古典语言。 Dhankhar highlighted the impact of the Look East-Act East policy on regional development and cultural recognition, including the designation of Assamese as a classical language.