Highland Hospice募款网78K英镑,其中模型患有绝症。 Highland Hospice fundraiser nets £78K with models living with terminal illnesses.
Highland Hospice 在因弗内斯的 Drumossie 酒店举行的年度 Catwalk for a Cause 筹款活动筹集了 78,000 英镑,预计还会有更多资金。 Highland Hospice's annual Catwalk for a Cause fundraiser at the Drumossie Hotel in Inverness raised £78,000, with more funds expected. 这场活动以一些模型为特色,这些模型生活在限制生命的疾病中,展示了来自疗养院商店的服装。 The event featured models living with life-limiting illnesses, showcasing clothes from the hospice's shops. 组织者感谢赞助者The Head Gardener and Mary MacFarlane Financal Planching, 称赞他们参与的“辉煌、鼓舞人心的模式”。 Organizers thanked sponsors The Head Gardener and Mary MacFarlane Financial Planning, praising the "brave, inspirational models" for their participation.