在总统节前,预计伊达霍南部会降下大雪,这是滑雪的理想,但可能会引起旅行问题。 Heavy snowfall predicted for Southern Idaho before President's Day, ideal for skiing but may cause travel issues.
Idaho南部面临重大降雪, 导致总统节周末, 预测时间积雪达72小时。 Southern Idaho faces heavy snowfall leading to President's Day weekend, with up to 72 hours of intermittent snow predicted. 这可能给波梅雷尔、魔法山和士兵山等度假胜地带来理想的滑雪条件。 This could bring ideal skiing conditions to resorts like Pomerelle, Magic Mountain, and Soldier Mountain. 国家气象局建议居民为因暴风雨可能造成的交通问题做好准备。 The National Weather Service advises residents to prepare for potential traffic issues due to the storm.