周五,印第安纳州中部将迎来高达 2 英寸的降雪,这将影响早上的通勤。 Central Indiana braces for up to two inches of snow Friday, set to impact morning commutes.
从星期五清晨开始,印第安纳中部面临高达两英寸的降雪,有可能影响上午的通勤。 Central Indiana faces a snowfall of up to two inches starting early Friday morning, potentially affecting the morning commute. I-74以北的地区可能降雪1至2英寸,而以南地区可能不到半英寸。 Areas north of I-74 may see 1 to 2 inches of snow, while areas south may get less than half an inch. 印地安那交通部建议检查道路状况并进行安全的冬季驾驶。 The Indiana Department of Transportation advises checking road conditions and practicing safe winter driving.