大快速艺术节是55年的夏季传统,将立即停止活动。 Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, a 55-year summer tradition, will cease operations immediately.
拥有 55 年历史的 Grand Rapids 艺术节正式拉开夏季序幕,现已宣布将立即停止运营。 The Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, a 55-year tradition officially kicking off summer, has announced it will cease operations immediately. 该节日始于1970年,激发了其他地方活动,在日益壮大的艺术场景中蓬勃发展。 Started in 1970, the festival inspired other local events and thrived amid a growing art scene. 由于2024年的出勤率创下记录,突然关闭的确切原因不清楚,但当地充满活力的艺术界被列为一个因素。 With record attendance in 2024, the exact reasons for its sudden closure are unclear, but the vibrant local arts community is cited as a factor. 可能需要好几年才能出现另一个规模相似的节日。 It may take years before another festival of similar scale emerges.