巴基斯坦的农民拒绝对农业征收35%的新税, Farmers in Pakistan reject new 35% tax on agriculture, calling it "cruel" and "anti-farmer."
巴基斯坦俾路支省的农民在Green Kissan Ittehad(GKI)的领导下, 拒绝接受IMF35%的农业生产税, Farmers in Balochistan, Pakistan, led by the Green Kissan Ittehad (GKI), have rejected a 35% tax on agricultural production imposed by the IMF, calling it "cruel" and "anti-farmer." 该税威胁到农业部门, 雇用了俾路支省75%的人口, 对巴基斯坦的粮食供应有重大贡献。 The tax threatens an agriculture sector that employs 75% of Balochistan's population and contributes significantly to Pakistan's food supply. GKI总统Agha Lal Jan Ahmadzai也批评电力服务差和缺乏优质牲畜护理,要求为农民提供更好的支持和补偿。 GKI President Agha Lal Jan Ahmadzai also criticized poor electricity service and lack of quality livestock care, demanding better support and compensation for farmers.