新南威尔士州专家在不断上升的反犹主义和社会凝聚问题中, 大力推行公民必修课。 Experts in New South Wales push for mandatory civics lessons amid rising antisemitism and social cohesion issues.
为了应对澳大利亚新南威尔士地区反犹主义抬头和社会凝聚力下降的情况,专家们正在推动在学校开设强制性的公民和公民课程。 In response to rising antisemitism and declining social cohesion in New South Wales, Australia, experts are pushing for mandatory civics and citizenship lessons in schools. 州立课程已有20多年缺乏此类内容,导致2019年10年级学生的公民评估达60%的失败率。 The state's curriculum has lacked such content for over 20 years, leading to a 60% failure rate in civics assessments among year 10 students in 2019. 一份报告呼吁在11年和12年开设强制性公民课程。 A report calls for mandatory civics courses for years 11 and 12. Sydney Grammar承诺在最近的反犹攻击中营造一个包容性环境。 Sydney Grammar has committed to fostering an inclusive environment amid recent antisemitic attacks.