CFIB指出, 加拿大小企业面临碳退税, Canadian small businesses face taxes on carbon rebates, contradicting government promises, CFIB says.
尽管前财政部长Chrystia Freeland承诺将免税, 但加拿大的小企业仍在因碳税退税而被课税。 Small businesses in Canada are still being taxed on their carbon tax rebates, despite a promise from former Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland that they would be tax-free. 加拿大税务局(CRA)认为退税是政府应纳税的援助。 The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) considers the rebate as taxable assistance from the government. 加拿大独立商业联合会呼吁议会通过立法,免除退税,并冻结预定在4月1日增加的19%的碳税。 The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is calling for Parliament to pass legislation to make the rebate tax-free and to freeze a 19% increase in the carbon tax scheduled for April 1.