加拿大小企业比原定计划提前收到25亿美元的碳退款。 Canadian small businesses receive $2.5 billion in carbon rebates, ahead of original schedule.
加拿大600,000家小企业将开始获得联邦碳退款,总额达25亿美元,这是自2019年以来征收的。 600,000 small businesses in Canada will start receiving federal carbon rebates totaling $2.5 billion, collected since 2019. 退款最初计划通过节能方案进行分配,现在这些退款是针对企业关于支付大量碳定价费而不收取退款的投诉而提前发出的。 Originally planned to be distributed through energy-efficiency programs, the rebates are now being sent early in response to complaints from businesses about paying significant carbon pricing fees without receiving rebates. 每个企业收到的金额因其地点和雇员人数而异。 The amount each business receives varies based on its location and the number of employees.