动物收容所咬人事件后对斗牛犬混合物实施安乐死,面临公众强烈反对。 Animal shelter euthanizes pit bull mix after biting incident, faces public backlash.
动物资源中心对一只名叫 Aspen 的 1 岁斗牛犬实施了安乐死,此前这只狗咬伤了收容所经理。 The Animal Resource Center euthanized a 1-year-old pit bull mix named Aspen, following an incident where the dog bit a shelter manager. 中心已经面对着公众监督 有关决定。 The center has faced public scrutiny over the decision. 此外,该组织失去了对其脸书页面的控制,加剧了目前存在的争议。 Additionally, the organization lost control of its Facebook page, adding to the ongoing controversies. 脸书网页发行的确切情况和为解决这一问题所采取的步骤没有详细说明。 The exact circumstances of the Facebook page issue and the steps taken to address it were not detailed.