大断水和大雨导致长滩洪水泛滥,疏散了两名居民。 Water main break and heavy rain caused flooding in Long Beach, evacuating two residents.
周五,水管破裂加上强降雨导致长滩的 Bixby Hill 社区发生严重洪水,Rancho Drive 部分地区的水深达 4 英尺。 A water main break combined with heavy rainfall caused significant flooding in Long Beach's Bixby Hill neighborhood on Friday, with up to 4 feet of water in parts of Rancho Drive. 消防员和救援队在上午6时30分前疏散了两名居民,据报没有人受伤。 Firefighters and rescue teams evacuated two residents by 6:30 a.m., and no injuries were reported. 休息时间是上午8时30分,清理排水沟有助于降低水位,不过对其他潜在原因的调查仍在继续。 The break was contained by 8:30 a.m., and clearing drains helped reduce water levels, though an investigation into other potential causes continues.