VP Vance以职业影响为由,要求恢复因种族主义职位而辞职的前教育工作人员的职务。 VP Vance pushes to reinstate ex-education staffer who quit over racist posts, citing career impact.
副总统J. D. Vice President J.D. Vance主张恢复一名在发现种族主义社交媒体职位后辞职的前教育部工作人员。 Vance has advocated for the reinstatement of a former Department of Education staffer who quit after racist social media posts were discovered. Vance认为「愚蠢的社交媒体活动」不应该终止某人的职业生涯, Vance argues that "stupid social media activity" shouldn't end someone's career but acknowledges that the staffer could be fired if found unsuitable for the role.