副总统万斯批评美国天主教主教在移民执法问题上的批评,指责他们把财政放在优先地位。 Vice President Vance criticizes U.S. Catholic Bishops over immigration enforcement, accusing them of prioritizing finances.
副总统J. D. Vice President J.D. Vance批评美国天主教主教不支持“常识”移民执法, 并建议他们优先关注人道主义问题, Vance criticized the U.S. Catholic Bishops for not supporting "commonsense" immigration enforcement and suggested they prioritize financial concerns over humanitarian issues. 在此之前,特朗普政府废除了拜登政府保护学校和教堂等敏感地区免受ICE行动影响的指导方针。 This came after the Trump administration rescinded the Biden administration's guidelines that protected sensitive areas like schools and churches from ICE operations. Vance认为,执法部门应当享有在这些地方不受限制地行动的自由。 Vance argued that law enforcement should have the freedom to act without restrictions in these places.