美国军机在菲律宾坠毁,造成 4 人死亡,其中包括一名美国军人。 U.S. military aircraft crash in Philippines kills four, including one U.S. service member.
2 月 6 日,一架签订情报和监视支持合同的美国军用飞机在菲律宾南部的一片稻田坠毁,造成一名美国军人和三名国防承包商死亡。 On February 6, a U.S. military aircraft contracted for intelligence and surveillance support crashed in a rice field in the southern Philippines, killing one U.S. service member and three defense contractors. 美国印太司令部证实了伤亡情况。 The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command confirmed the casualties. 飞机的原因和类型没有具体说明。 The cause and type of the aircraft were not specified.