一名多伦多男子因自2018年以来企图谋杀和攻击未遂而被通缉,在圭亚那被捕并返回加拿大。 A Toronto man, wanted for attempted murder and assault since 2018, was arrested in Guyana and returned to Canada.
一名多伦多男子,Harry Rajkumar, 46岁,在圭亚那被捕,面临指控,包括2018年在Scarborough发生的一起袭击中未遂谋杀和殴打,据称他袭击一名妇女,刺伤一名女青年,然后逃跑。 A Toronto man, Harry Rajkumar, 46, arrested in Guyana, faces charges including attempted murder and assault stemming from a 2018 attack in Scarborough where he allegedly assaulted a woman and stabbed a female youth before fleeing. 2024年12月20日,他在圭亚那被发现并被捕,然后返回加拿大,面临多项指控。 After evading capture for six years, he was located and arrested in Guyana on December 20, 2024, and returned to Canada to face multiple charges.