百慕大彭布罗克的警察调查了一起据报的枪击事件;两人乘摩托车逃离。 Police in Pembroke, Bermuda, investigate a reported gunshot; two people fled on a motorcycle.
百慕大彭布罗克警方正在调查2月6日晚期 克拉伦斯戴尔路发生的枪击事件 Police in Pembroke, Bermuda, are investigating a reported gunshot on Clarence Dale Road late February 6th. 没有找到出院的证据,也没有人因枪伤寻求治疗。 No evidence of a discharge was found, and no one sought treatment for gunshot injuries. 两个人乘摩托车逃离现场。 Two people fled the scene on a motorcycle. 这是本周的第二份此类报告。 This is the second such report this week. 警方敦促有安保录像的社区成员审查该录像,并与Wilkinson警探联系。 Police urge community members with security footage to review it and contact Detective Sergeant Wilkinson.