巴基斯坦司法委员会将于11月5日举行会议,提名第26号《修正案》后的法官。 The Judicial Commission of Pakistan will meet on November 5 to nominate judges post-26th Amendment.
巴基斯坦司法委员会将于11月5日举行会议,讨论继第26次宪法修正案之后最高法院宪法法庭法官的提名问题。 The Judicial Commission of Pakistan (JCP) will meet on November 5 to discuss nominating judges for the Supreme Court's constitutional benches, following the 26th Constitutional Amendment. 该修正案允许五名议会成员加入负责任命最高法院、高等法院和联邦伊斯兰法院法官的青年大会,同时确保政府和反对派的平等代表权。 This amendment allows five parliamentary members to join the JCP, which is responsible for appointing judges to the Supreme Court, high courts, and the Federal Shariat Court, while ensuring equal representation from government and opposition.