在Chümoukedima举行的NICTTL会议旨在增强纳加兰的旅游业和贸易。 The NICTTL conference in Chümoukedima aims to enhance tourism and trade in Nagaland.
纳加兰旅游、运输和后勤问题国际会议(NICTTL)在Chümoukedima开始举行,目的是促进旅游业、物流和区域互联互通。 The Nagaland International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics (NICTTL) began in Chümoukedima, aiming to boost tourism, logistics, and regional connectivity. 会议由纳加斯商业协会在中小型和微型企业支助下组织,重点讨论可持续旅游业和跨境贸易。 Organized by the Business Association of Nagas (BAN) with MSME support, the conference focuses on sustainable tourism and cross-border trade. 主要发言者强调需要发展基础设施,并强调政府在扩大旅游业方面的作用,同时还谈到与日本的文化和历史联系。 Key speakers highlighted the need for infrastructure development and the role of government in expanding tourism, while also touching on cultural and historical ties with Japan.