新西兰学校在辩论《威坦哲日》关闭一事时提供四天周末。 New Zealand schools give four-day weekends amid debate over Waitangi Day closures.
许多新西兰学校在威坦哲日之后为学生和教师提供为期四天的周末,尽管协理教育部长David Seymour呼吁增加学生的出勤率。 Numerous New Zealand schools are giving students and teachers a four-day weekend following Waitangi Day, despite calls for better attendance from Associate Education Minister David Seymour. 奥克兰语学校校长支持多一天的休假, Auckland Grammar School's principal supports the extra day off, noting it allows family time and helps with early teaching. 教育部允许学校在未经允许的情况下关闭4个半天,条件是向家庭发出6周通知。 The Ministry of Education allows schools to close for up to four half-days without permission, provided six weeks' notice is given to families.