新AI平台WildSight帮助企业解决环境问题,吸引BP和Gucci等用户。 New AI platform WildSight helps businesses address environmental issues, attracting users like BP and Gucci.
WildSight 是由前麦肯锡顾问 Emily Birch 创立的人工智能平台,旨在帮助公司承担环境责任。 WildSight, an AI-powered platform founded by former McKinsey consultant Emily Birch, has launched to help companies tackle environmental responsibility. 该平台提供关于监管和生物多样性信贷等专题的视频解释和文章。 The platform offers video explainers and articles on topics like regulation and biodiversity credits. WildSight已经从BP和Gucci等大公司获得用户。 WildSight has already gained users from major companies like BP and Gucci. 该平台旨在协助各公司以可采取行动的智能导航其“自然旅程”。 The platform aims to assist companies in navigating their "nature journeys" with actionable intelligence.