内塔尼亚胡声称以色列接近结束与哈马斯的冲突,削弱了伊朗的影响力。 Netanyahu claims Israel is close to ending conflict with Hamas, weakening Iran's influence.
以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡在接受Newsmax采访时声称, 以色列即将结束与加沙哈马斯的冲突, 指出伊朗在中东的“恐怖轴心”已被打破。 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed in an interview with Newsmax that Israel is nearing the end of the conflict with Hamas in Gaza, stating that Iran's "axis of terror" in the Middle East has been broken. 他断言,以色列严重削弱了哈马斯,即将结束这场旨在给该区域带来和平的战争。 He asserted that Israel has severely weakened Hamas and is on the verge of concluding the war, aiming to bring peace to the region.