Multnomah县动物收容所严重拥挤,要求特别收费25美元的收养费。 Multnomah County's animal shelter is severely overcrowded, urging adoption with a special $25 fee.
Multnomah县特鲁特代尔的动物收容所因流浪狗和投降狗激增而面临严重拥挤,这是2012年以来最高的。 Multnomah County's animal shelter in Troutdale is facing severe overcrowding due to a surge in stray and surrendered dogs, the highest since 2012. 由于只剩下几条狗, 收容所正在敦促公众领养宠物, 提供情人节领养特别津贴, 费用减为25美元。 With only a few kennels left, the shelter is urging the public to adopt pets, offering a Valentine's adoption special with fees reduced to $25. 该庇护所接受所有动物,但面临能力问题,甚至将狗安置在工作人员办公室。 The shelter accepts all animals but faces capacity issues, with dogs even being housed in staff offices. 县官员正在考虑计划建立一个更大的设施,以满足未来的需要。 County officials are considering plans for a larger facility to handle future needs.