Pierce县收容所在抢救60只动物后与264只狗挣扎;免除老年狗的收养费。 Pierce County shelter struggles with 264 dogs after rescuing 60 animals; waives adoption fees for older dogs.
皮尔斯郡的动物收容所在从当地一辆拖车救出60只狗和猫后不堪重负,有264只狗到达了7年的顶峰。 Pierce County's animal shelter is overwhelmed after rescuing 60 dogs and cats from a local trailer, reaching a seven-year high with 264 dogs. 人道协会正在敦促社区提供帮助,收养、培养或重新团聚失去的宠物。 The Humane Society is urging the community to help by adopting, fostering, or reuniting lost pets. 此外,该收容所从1月2日至5日起免除一年及一年以上的狗的领养费,以缓解危机。 Additionally, the shelter is waiving adoption fees for dogs one year and older from January 2-5 to ease the crisis.