梅塔计划从2月11日起广泛解雇员工,一些欧洲国家免予雇用,同时雇用关键技术角色。 Meta plans widespread layoffs starting Feb. 11, exempting some European countries, while hiring key tech roles.
Meta Platers,Facebook所有者,计划下周开始全公司范围的裁员, 星期一当地时间早上5点, Meta Platforms, owner of Facebook, plans to start company-wide layoffs next week, with notification emails going out at 5 a.m. local time on Monday to affected employees in most countries. 德国、法国、意大利和荷兰的雇员因当地条例而豁免。 Employees in Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands are exempt due to local regulations. 裁员将在2月11日至18日期间影响超过十几个国家。 The layoffs will affect over a dozen countries between February 11 and 18. 尽管裁减了人员,但梅塔将在2月11日至3月13日期间加快雇用机器学习工程师和其他关键工程角色。 Despite the cuts, Meta will expedite hiring for machine learning engineers and other critical engineering roles from February 11 to March 13.