因在社交媒体上张贴暴力威胁, 在佛罗里达州被捕, Man arrested in Florida for posting violent threats on social media, referencing terrorist groups.
来自Wilbraham的36岁男子Funwayo Mbilini Nyawo因7月至11月期间在社交媒体上张贴针对官员、儿童和公共场所的暴力威胁,在佛罗里达被捕。 A 36-year-old man from Wilbraham, Funwayo Mbilini Nyawo, was arrested in Florida for posting violent threats against officials, children, and public places on social media between July and November. 使用多个化名的Nyawo在威胁中提及了伊斯兰国和基地组织等恐怖主义集团。 Nyawo, who used multiple aliases, referenced terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda in his threats. 他面临长达五年的监禁和25万美元的罚款 因为州际威胁通信。 He faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for interstate threatening communications.