马来西亚卫生部长向公众保证,当地可口可乐产品是安全的,与欧洲的某些产品不同。 Malaysia's Health Minister assures public that local Coca-Cola products are safe, unlike some in Europe.
马来西亚卫生部长Datuk Seri Dzulkefly Ahmad博士保证,马来西亚可口可乐产品不受某些欧洲国家发现的氯酸盐污染问题的影响。 Malaysia's Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, assured that Coca-Cola products in Malaysia are not affected by the chlorate contamination issue found in certain European countries. 可口可乐欧洲太平洋伙伴在欧洲分发的产品中检测到这种污染。 The contamination was detected in products distributed in Europe by Coca-Cola Europe Pacific Partners. 卫生部将继续监测这一情况,但目前没有任何证据表明马来西亚存在污染。 The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor the situation, but currently, there is no evidence of contamination in Malaysia.